Partnership for Humanitarian Emergency in Lebanon

Partnership for Humanitarian Emergency in Lebanon

Created in 1937 in the context of the Spanish Civil War, Plan International is an organization that works to advance the rights of girls, and more broadly of children and young people, as well as equality between girls and boys.

The outbreak of violence in Lebanon has forced tens of thousands of Lebanese to flee their homes to seek refuge and has already claimed the lives of more than 100 children, which is why ALTRAD Solidarity wanted to engage with Plan International to respond to the most urgent needs and protect children and their families.

In line with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN-OCHA) preparedness plan, Plan International's response is guided by three major strategic objectives over a 12-month period:

  • Basic assistance to ensure the basic needs of families
  • Protection of children by providing psychosocial support
  • Access to safe and quality education for children.

By supporting the NGO Plan International France, ALTRAD Solidarity is making a concrete commitment to help children and families displaced by this crisis in Lebanon.

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